Detention Youth Services

The Youth Services Caseworker (employed by Santa Cruz County Children's Mental Health) housed in Juvenile Hall provides assessment, substance abuse counseling, AOD education and treatment recommendations to juveniles referred by County Probation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I stopped using. Why do I need treatment?
    The problem is not stopping is staying off. You need to learn skills necessary in order to avoid returning to using. You also will need the support of others with the same objective in mind.
  • What’s the best treatment for me?
    The best form of treatment will depend on the severity of your problem and the history in regard to past treatment. An assessment is made that looks at the frequency of use, the type of drug used, how you use the drug, and the length of time you’ve been using. Other high-risk factors, such as home life, school performance, peer relationships and their influence are assessed. We will work with your Probation officer, parents, and other professional interested in your welfare to determine the best plan of action to foster your recovery.
  • How soon can I get an interview for placement?
    After your needs are assessed, the right placement for you is sought out. Whenever possible, it’s good for you to play an active role in finding the service that meets your needs. How long this takes is dependent on the assessment process, the Court calendar, and treatment space availability.
  • Can you get me into an in-county placement?
    Male and female adolescents can participate in residential treatment at Tyler House. Adolescents in need of outpatient treatment can go to Youth Services or Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance.
  • Am I a failure because I relapsed after getting help?
    There really is no failure in recovery if you pick yourself up and learn from the relapse and get back on track with a program. Treatment providers welcome the return of someone who has relapsed, and see it as a strength, not a failure.
Contact Information
(831) 454-3828